planq FAQ

How do I get started with planq?

To get started, download planq from the App Store or Google Play Store, create an account, and follow the setup instructions. Once you're logged in, you can personalize your profile and select a stretching routine that fits your goals.

Is planq suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! planq offers a range of stretching routines designed for all levels, from complete beginners to advanced users. You can choose your difficulty level and gradually progress at your own pace.

How much does planq cost?

planq offers both free and premium subscription options. The free version provides access to a limited number of routines, while the premium subscription offers full access to all content, personalized plans, and additional features.

Is planq safe to use for people with health conditions?

While planq is designed to be safe for people of all fitness levels, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions.

How does planq protect my privacy?

Your privacy is important to us. planq collects minimal personal information and uses strong encryption methods to protect your data. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

How often are new stretches or routines added to the app?

Our team regularly updates the app with new stretches, routines, and features to keep your workouts fresh and engaging. Premium subscribers will receive immediate access to all new content.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

If you have any further questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help! Contact us at or through the "Help" section in the app.